Missing You |
August 6, 2015 |
It's been 8 years Aaron and it's even more difficult missing you. Everything feels so NOT RIGHT. You are on my mind and in my heart 24/7. I watch our granchildren play and thnk of you as a child the joy you brought to us I can't even express in words. You had grandad and dads humor and we still think of what you might say at times. I know it was Gods plan to bring you home when He did but missing you is something we have to deal with for our lifetime. I know you are free and happy and have no earthly worries anymore and I smile when I think of all you can now do and see it must be incredible. Well Aaron continue to watch over us as we live lifes journey------------until God calls us Home. We will continue to love and miss you but we will always be FOREVER CONNECTED Love, Mom XOXO
Dad |
Sept 6 2015 |
August 6, 2015 |
Hi Aaron:
I think of you and miss you daily.The emptiness will always be there until we are together again.
The Day is sunny and bright.The flowers at your Site are colorful anf full of life.
We are heading over to visit today.We feel your presence there and always see some dragonflies each time we visit.
There was a Day recently that we were by the pool and talking about you, and a dragonfly came and landed next to us to give us some peace and comfort.
You are in our hearts, and we take you wherever we go.
Have a Great journey.
We will catch up to you when it is Time.
We are doing our best to help out here in the mean time.
Mother |
Another Mothers Day without You 2015 |
May 10, 2015 |
My Dearest Aaron, It's Mother's Day again and my memories of you are forever embedded in my head from the time you were born until the day you left this life. I miss you so very much. This morning in church there was a mother and her two sons about 12 and 13 and the younger one gave his mom a kiss and dad and I just looked at each other dad knew what I was thinking how loving you were and how that was me at one time. I miss you more than words can say. Your brother and sisters gave me pansies from you as they do every year on Mother's Day because it was the last Mother's Day that you were here that you gave them to me. Tanya also gave me flowers and a card from you and Julie a card they were beautiful I only wish you could have given them to me your self!!!!I know Baba is with you give her a hug and kiss from me .I love you Aaron Thomas I'll always remember how you would call me MOTHER. I'll Love You Always. YOUR MOTHER XOXO One more thing Aars dad bought me two $5 scratch offs from you and I won $100 on one of them and $10 on the other THANKS !!!
Dad |
Chritmas 2014 |
December 25, 2014 |
Hi Son:
Today was a Day with You by our side.
We visited You at the Cemetry, had Brunch at our House, opened present for the grandchildren,read our Memories of You,restead a little and then over to Julie's and Tanya's.
Ponch was in Pa.We will see him New Year's Day.
I would be lieing if I told you that missing You was any easier.
I think the whole Family thinks the same way.
Mother |
December 25, 2014 |
MERRY CHRISTMAS AARON! We'll all be getting together today for our Christmas Brunch well not quite all of us Ponch is in Pa. and you're in Heaven. We went to Tanya's for Christmas Eve after church and had pirohi and pagach and lasagna and steak and rice and beans all traditional foods from our family and Oscar's it was very nice. Today we celebrate the birth of Jesus I'm sure the celebration in Heaven is unlike any other and you are there to celebrate along with many of your friends Baba and zedo and grandma and grandad. We miss you so very much AARON I only wish it possible to see you again. I look forward to the day we are all together. Happy Birthday to baby Jesus. I miss you and love you forever and always. Love, Your Mother XOXO Oh just to let you know Tony sent a picture of his son and Dave sent a card. Love Ya!!!!
Mom |
November 27, 2014 |
My Dearest Aaron, Today we will all be having Thanksgiving here at our house and picking our "seceret santa" names for Christmas. I'm so thankful to have had you as my son you taught me so much in this life and I now look at things a lot differently because of you. We miss you and we'll miss that you won't be picking a name of a family member to remember at Christmas but we do still keep your name in with all of ours and know that we'll be thinking of you today. We burn a candle and place your picture on the Thanksgiving Day table in your memory. Loving you and missing you always and forever. Love, Mom XOXO
Dad |
Your 37th Birthday |
August 25, 2014 |
Dear Son:
Some people believe Life is a Journey, and we all are given challenges and obstacles to overcome.
It is up to the Individual as to how he or she handles those Problems.
Some Problems can be overwhelming for one Person to handle and need the support of others.
We have relied on our Faith, Family and Friends to help us through this Time.
Your Loss to us is felt everday when we turn on the TV and see the Death of others-knowing the pain that this
has on their Family and Friends and difficulties that lie ahead.
We thank for :
You being with us each Day.
The knowledge that you are in a Better place.
And the realization that soneday, we will all be back together.
Until then,we will help you keep an eye on our Family and look for your Presense around us.
Your Loving Father
Mom |
August 25, 2014 |
My Dearest Aaron, The day you were born was one of the happiest days of my life. Your father was so excited to have two girls and two boys. We were the luckiest two people to have such a wonderful family. We celebrate all that you were to us today August 25th your 37th birthday if only we could have you here with us. We miss you so very much have a great birthday in Heaven. Love always and Forever, Your Mother XOXO
Mom |
Seven Years |
August 6, 2014 |
My Dearest Aaron, It is seven years today since I heard your voice. I never got to hear about your trip to Wildwood and I still wonder if you had a good time celebrating your 30th Birthday that was never to be. I miss you more than I could ever put into words. Dad and I went to thee cemetery last evening and put flowers at your gravesite so that they would be there this morning August 6, 2014. Raegan called to tell me that she and Sue went to visit Todd and they watered the flowers that we have planted there, so nice of them. Julie is going to come here and watch all the kids so dad and I can go visit your gravesite today. Yesterday when I was there I sat on your site and just sobbed I miss you so very much. I'm sure you've met Johnny Winter you know we drove him and the band whenever needed his funeral was on Sunday only invited guest dad and I being invited was a prviledge it was very small only about twenty people or so we also brought hisbrother Edgar and wife Monique to the funeral they were very nice. I'm sure Johnny is playing his guitar for all of you. The last three deaths in my life have all been sudden and it's really difficult to deal with at times. I don't wish the death of a child no matter what the age on anyone. I cry almost everyday with just the thought of you. People can be very cruel when they say some of the things they say I guess they think since it's been seven years they can hurt us now because time has past. I really thought more of my side of the family but I was so very wrong!!! I'm glad you are now at peace Aaron you so deserve it. I Love You Always, Mom XOXO
Mom |
April 20, 2014 |
Dad |
December 25, 2013 |
Hi Aaron:
I can not image the Christmas celebration that you and Our other Loved Ones must be enjoying.
Enjoy Today and we will be thinking of you Today.
Love Always
Mom |
Thank You!!! |
December 25, 2013 |
Aaron, Thanks for the gift basket!! Your sister Tanya sent it to us from you she has you and us in her thoughts always. No matter how busy her life gets or how stressed she is she always seems to remember--------------We love you Aaron, Mom & Dad
Mom |
December 25, 2013 |
My Dearest Aaron, Merry Christmas and Happy Birthdat to Baby Jesus. I can only imagine how beautiful it must be today in Heaven as you celebrate the birth of Jesus!!! We all miss you here on earth but think of you always. We spent Christmas Eve with Aunt Bonnie, Sarah, and her fiance Nick at Tanya and Oscars house it was really very nice and a lot of fun to have everyone together we only wish you could have been there to add to our conversation. I know you are with us you let us know in many ways and we all thank you for that. Today Julie, Sean, Tanya,Oscar,Ponch and Myklyn will be here with their children for our Christmas Brunch. Dad picked your name as secret santa I was your secret santa last year I wasn't sure what to do in your memory so I waited and I'm glad I did because they're putting a new playground in Woodbridge and we're have a block put in your memory at the playground so when the kids go there to play they can see thier names with Uncle Aaron!!! You will be in our thoughts today as always I love you my beautiful son and miss you dearly. Journey well this Christmas Day! Love, Mom XO
Dave Gills |
Dave Gills |
September 5, 2013 |
Aar, ive been thinking about u alot lately.....& was visited again (along with some of ur pranks) in my dream..........Aar words cant deescribe how much i miss u & what u meant 2 everybody........i long to see u again my friend.............i miss u.....just hard without ya.............
..........Luv u friend.
your b/f dave
Mom |
36th Birthday |
August 25, 2013 |
HAPPY 36th BIRTHDAY Aaron ! Dad and I went to the cemetery this morning after church there was a mass for Zedo. When we got to the cemetery there were many gifts and flowers and cards for you from all of us. We all miss you a lot . It is also Helena's birthday today so we were all at Tanya and Oscar's to celebrate both of your B-Day's Helena Aaryn turned 3 today and the cake had both of your names on it. ( you had to share a "Princess Sophia" cake) I'm sure it was okay by you Ha Ha !! I love you and miss you very much Happy Birthday again. Love, Mom XOXO You are and will forver be my blessing.
Mom |
Six Years |
August 10, 2013 |
My Dearest Aaron Thomas, It's been six years since I've spoken to you August 5th a Sunday evening you told me upon returning from your trip to Wildwood you would be staying at the apt. and to have dad call you later which he did and never got a response he called and called and just thought you were tired from your trip. The sad news came August 6yh you were gone. I miss you so very much you are in my heart forever Aaron and in my thoughts every second of every day forever and a lifetime. I love you, Mom XOXO
Mom |
Thinking of You |
April 13, 2013 |
Hi Aaron, I was just thinking of you because I went through some of your paper work from your funeral and read the messages that your friends all wrote they made me cry I miss you so much!! I went through the paper work because I wanted to compare the prices with the prices Baba has for Zedo so she can see if the 5 years made a considerable difference. She is making her plans so we will not have to worry about it when she passes. I love you and miss you every second of every day!! Mom xoxo
Tanya |
Merry Christmas |
December 25, 2012 |
Merry Christmas!! We miss you so much. It hasnt been the same without you and today definitely did not feel like Christmas. Zedo is still in the hospital but doing so much better. I am sure you are just waiting to greet him when his time comes. But thank you again for all the signs that you are with us. I love that you watch over my family and are always guiding us. I know you are playing your little pranks on us too and having a good laugh. Take care of the little Newtown kids. I love and miss you so miuch.
Mom |
Christmas 2012 |
December 25, 2012 |
My Dearest Aaron, Well here we are another Christmas and missing you so very much. Tony sent us a card he and his wife are having a baby. Dave sent us a card and a letter it was nice to hear from him he thinks of you a lot as we all do!! This Christmas is a bit out-of-sorts with Zedo in the hospital and Ponch in Pa and everyone is sick Raegan has been sick for a week and now Helena and Mila are not feeling well so we'll see how the day goes. We're off to the cemetery we have a card and flower for you only wish we could give them to you in person. I love you with all of my heart Aaron Thomas Merry Christmas !! XOXO
Dad |
Christmas 2012 |
December 25, 2012 |
Hello Again My Son:
I guess we kept you busy whatching over us this Year.The young Grandchildren are walking,taliking and playing independently.
The older ones you need a Planning book to know where they are and what they are doing.They are in Plays,Daisies,School and learning to do flips and learning how to make Friends and to Find their way in this World.We know how demanding this time is for everyone, and your help and signs seem to always help.
This Season ,we ask the Our Guardian Angel,to whatch over Zedo in the Hospital, and If is God's Will,have him recover from his sickness and be with us for a little while more.
You will always be with us.
Love Always,
dave gills |
Happy bday Aar! |
August 28, 2012 |
aaron happy belated bday my friend.Reason i gave u a belated wish is cuz u never told any1 when your b-day was and i always had to find out days later usually thru someone else.So to keep in the spirit of continuity "Happy Late Birthday" miss u. i think of u alot.I met a couple people a few years back they say theyre my friends but none of these clowns can come close to what u and me had and how we understood each other. bud.Yea theyre pretty much a thing of the past ya know,I just kinda hang out by myself nowadays & with u of course in my back pocket......that didnt sound gay did it?yeah it did i know.I apologize to MR. & MRs. Hine ahead opf time & rest of the family fer speaking my mind....."no,no,not you Dave you speak your mind"............,i can hear u saying....This really fuckin sucks man,ii cant get around or by a day without thinking about the days we had Aar.....that didnt sound gay either i hope....You are in my dreams alot my friend and you visited me the other day when i was looking up pride dvds on the internet & how i know because this site popped was the weirdest shit.....but ive seen weirder so keep it comin i love the visits, and im positive ur family does too were taken away from us all too soon too good of a person there is no comparison on this planet of your self.YOu were and still are top shelf of a person,ive never had a friend as close as u that i can confide in without worryinabout what will bee said the only 2 peeple well.....i can do that now with are my 2 cats.....u tell them sumthin and they dont repeat it.lAnyways man I miss u like crazy and wish your ass was still here .brazilians,nights out hangin,bettin,playin the game,watchin the fights,or just chillin.....half of me is missing my friend and the other half is just here but changed. I dont go out anymores i maybe do once every few months if that.....alot of crazy untrue stories floatin around out there you would have been laughin yuor ass off bud.But anyways whatever it is your doin today fer your bday.....i hope ur not chasin the brazilians up there..........have fun and we will continue to celebrate you down here everyday.....Until we meet again my brother....i love you
Dad |
Happy 35th Birthday |
August 25, 2012 |
Hi Aaron:
Hope you had fun celebrating your Birthday.We did along with Helana's.
It was a little rough for me today, but our Family helped a lot.It is aways great spending time like today with everyone.
Avery and your neices enjoyed themselves as well as your sisters and brothe-in-law's.Missed Jaime's family.
Your memorial was right next to Pop Shortell who passed away on your birthday 10 years ago.
Trying to keep my Faith strong.
See ya down the road.
Miss ya and Love You,
Mom |
Happy 35th Birthday !! |
August 25, 2012 |
Dear Aaron Happy Birthday!! I hope you had the best day ever!! We celebrated your day today along with Helena she is the lucky one she gets to share your birthday!! We sent balloons up to you from your apartment,the cemetery, and here at home. We all miss you so very much. Love forever and always, Mom XOXO
Mom |
Your Dad |
August 6, 2012 |
Aaron,You know dad is still dad when his memory is telling him you were 25 five years ago!!! We all know you were 29 about to be 30!!! I know you're up there laughing and saying THAT'S MY DAD!!!
Dad |
August 6, 2012 |
Hi Son:
It's seens just like yesterday that we were sending you off for your 25th Birthday-knowing you were going with your brother and friends.
We think and talk about you often.We have many Memories to share and Signs to talk about.
You walk with us Daily and you always be in our Hearts.
We miss your smile,humor and warmth,but we believe we will see and feel them again.
Thank you for all Support to our Family and especially me.
Love Always,
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